Results for 'William E. Carroll'

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    La creación y las ciencias naturales: actualidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino.William E. Carroll & Oscar Velásquez - 2002
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  2. The legend of galileo, icon of modernity.William E. Carroll - 2008 - Sapientia 64 (224):5-22.
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    Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science and Thomas Aquinas by Michael J. Dodds, O.P.William E. Carroll - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (1):343-347.
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    Eppur si muove: legenda \"sprawy Galileusza\".William E. Carroll - 2009 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 57 (2):25-38.
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    Creation in the age of modern science.William E. Carroll - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 42 (1):107-124.
    In this paper William Carroll argues that the alleged conflict between creation and science has its origin in a mistaken comprehension of the meaning of “creation”and the extent of explication that natural sciences can offer. Carroll explains that creation, a metaphysical and theological notion, affirms that everything which exists depends on one single cause which is God. But, on the other side, the object of study of natural sciences is the realm of changing things. Whereas creation speaks (...)
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  6. James A. Weisheipl : "Albertus Magnus and the Sciences. Commemorative Essays". [REVIEW]William E. Carroll - 1980 - The Thomist 44 (4):647.
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    Aquinas on Creation and the Metaphysical Foundation of Science.William E. Carroll - 1999 - Sapientia 54 (205):69-91.
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    Big Bang Cosmology, Quantum Tunneling from Nothing, and Creation.William E. Carroll - 1988 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 44 (1):59-75.
  9. Cornell College: Program in Science and Religion.William E. Carroll - 1998 - Zygon 33 (2):271-274.
    Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, has established a new interdisciplinary program in science and religion. One of the features of this program is an undergraduate major in science and religion that requires substantial course work in at least one of the natural sciences as well as course work in philosophy, religion, and history. As a result of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, Cornell College will offer a special course, God and Physics: From Aquinas to Quantum Mechanics (April (...)
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    Galileo and the Interpretation of the Bible.William E. Carroll - 1999 - Science & Education 8 (2):151-187.
  11. Divine agency, contemporary physics, and the autonomy of nature.William E. Carroll - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (4):582-602.
  12. Science and Religion, 400 B.C. to A.D. 1500: From Aristotle to Copernicus. By Edward Grant.William E. Carroll - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):745-747.
  13.  40
    Cosmology and Creation.William E. Carroll - 2012 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 15 (1):134-149.
  14.  22
    Galileo, Science and the Bible.William E. Carroll - 1997 - Acta Philosophica 6 (1).
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    Divine Infinity in Greek and Medieval Thought. [REVIEW]William E. Carroll - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):170-171.
    This book reflects the commitment of an academic lifetime to the study of infinity. Most of the essays gathered here have been published before, and, in keeping with the breadth and depth of Sweeney's erudition on the subject, they contain a wealth of information on primary and secondary sources in the history of infinity.
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  16. Thomas Aquinas and William E. Carroll on Creatio ex Nihilo: A Response to Joseph Hannon’s “Theological Objections to a Metaphysicalist Interpretation of Creation”.Ignacio Silva - 2021 - Theology and Science:01-09.
    Joseph Hannon has expressed a most surprising objection to Aquinas scholar Prof William E. Carroll in his latest paper “Theological Objections to a Metaphysicalist Interpretation of Creation.” The main claim is that Prof. Carroll misunderstands Aquinas' doctrine of creatio ex nihilo by reducing it to a metaphysical notion, rather than considering it in its full theological sense. In this paper I show Hannon's misinterpretation of Carroll's and Thomas Aquinas' thought, particularly by stressing the dependence that the (...)
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    Continuity and change in infants' facial expressions following an unanticipated aversive stimulus.Carroll E. Izard - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):463-464.
    I agree with Williams that evolutionary theory provides the best account of the pain expression. We may disagree as to whether pain has an emotional dimension or includes discrete basic emotions as integral components. I interpret basic emotion expressions that occur contemporaneously with pain expression as representing separate but highly interactive systems, each with distinct adaptive functions.
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  18. Aquinas, Thomas (1997) Aquinas on Creation. Trans. by Steven E. Baldner and William E. Carroll. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 166 pp. Audi, Robert (1997) Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character. New York: Oxford University Press, 304 pp. Bencivegna, Ermanno (1997) Freedom: A Dialogue. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. [REVIEW]John Paul Ii & Christian Doctrine - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 43:191-193.
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  19. Giving patients granular control of personal health information: Using an ethics ‘Points to Consider’ to inform informatics system designers.Eric M. Meslin, Sheri A. Alpert, Aaron E. Carroll, Jere D. Odell, William M. Tierney & Peter H. Schwartz - 2013 - International Journal of Medical Informatics 82:1136-1143.
    Objective: There are benefits and risks of giving patients more granular control of their personal health information in electronic health record (EHR) systems. When designing EHR systems and policies, informaticists and system developers must balance these benefits and risks. Ethical considerations should be an explicit part of this balancing. Our objective was to develop a structured ethics framework to accomplish this. -/- Methods: We reviewed existing literature on the ethical and policy issues, developed an ethics framework called a “Points to (...)
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  20.  8
    Character ethics and the Old Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.R. Carroll, M. Daniel & Jacqueline E. Lapsley (eds.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the Old Testament, the stories, laws, and songs not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral, but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. This book presents the most up-to-date academic work in Old Testament character ethics, covering topics throughout the Torah, the (...)
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    Nature and Motion in the Middle Ages by Fr. James A. Weisheipl.Francis E. Kellet - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):381-383.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 381 Nature and Motion in the Middle.Ages. By FR. JAMES A. WEISHE,IPL. Edited by William E. Carroll. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, v. 11. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of American Press, 1985. Pp. xii + 292. In this book the editor brings together some articles previously published by Fr. James Weisheipl which deal with various questions relating to Aristotle's natural philosophy (...)
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    Church Teaching as the ‘Language’ of Catholic Theology.William J. Hoye - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (1):16-30.
    Book reviewed in this article: In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. By John Van Seters. The Hidden God: The Hiding of the Face of God in the Old Testament. By Samuel E. Balentine. Theodicy in the Old Testament. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. Ce Dieu censé aimer la Souffrance. By François Varone. Evil and Evolution, A Theodicy. By Richard W. Kropf. ‘Poet and Peasant’ and ‘Through Peasant Eyes’: A Literary‐Cultural Approach to (...)
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    William Whewell's Theory of Scientific Method.William Whewell & Robert E. Butts - 1968 - [Pittsburgh] : University of Pittsburgh Press.
    William Whewell is considered one of the most important nineteenth-century British philosophers of science and a contributor to modern philosophical thought, particularly regarding the problem of induction and the logic of discovery. In this volume, Robert E. Butts offers selections from Whewell's most important writings, and analysis of counter-claims to his philosophy.
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    Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming.William E. Connolly - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    In _Facing the Planetary_ William E. Connolly expands his influential work on the politics of pluralization, capitalism, fragility, and secularism to address the complexities of climate change and to complicate notions of the Anthropocene. Focusing on planetary processes—including the ocean conveyor, glacier flows, tectonic plates, and species evolution—he combines a critical understanding of capitalism with an appreciation of how such nonhuman systems periodically change on their own. Drawing upon scientists and intellectuals such as Lynn Margulis, Michael Benton, Alfred North (...)
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    (1 other version)Envisioning Ecological Sustainability: The Need and a Method.John E. Carroll - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (3):1-2.
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  26. (1 other version)Representationalism about consciousness.William E. Seager & David Bourget - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 261-276.
    A representationalist-friendly introduction to representationalism which covers a number of central problems and objections.
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  27. The 'intrinsic nature' argument for panpsychism.William E. Seager - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (10-11):129-145.
    Strawson’s case in favor of panpsychism is at heart an updated version of a venerable form of argument I’ll call the ‘intrinsic nature’ argument. It is an extremely interesting argument which deploys all sorts of high caliber metaphysical weaponry (despite the ‘down home’ appeals to common sense which Strawson frequently makes). The argument is also subtle and intricate. So let’s spend some time trying to articulate its general form.
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  28. Why not uncivil disobedience?William E. Scheuerman - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (7):980-999.
    An impressive body of recent literature posits that traditional notions of civil disobedience prevent us from properly considering potentially legitimate types of ‘uncivil’ political lawbreaking. When might uncivil (covert, legally evasive, morally offensive and potentially violent) lawbreaking prove normatively acceptable? If justifiable, what conditions should its practitioners be reasonably expected to meet? Despite some important insights, defenders of uncivil disobedience rely on a narrow and sometimes misleading view of civil disobedience, as previously practiced and theorized. Notwithstanding legitimate skepticism about Rawlsian (...)
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    Lawful disorganization: The process underlying a schizophrenic syndrome.William E. Broen & Lowell H. Storms - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):265-279.
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    Donald Trump meets Carl Schmitt.William E. Scheuerman - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1170-1185.
    By revisiting late-Weimar debates between Carl Schmitt and two left-wing critics, Otto Kirchheimer and Franz L Neumann, we can shed light on the surprising alliance of populist politics with key tenets of economic liberalism, an alliance that vividly manifests itself in the political figure and retrograde policies of Donald Trump. In the process, we can begin to fill a striking lacuna in recent scholarly literature on populism, namely its failure to pay proper attention to matters of political economy. We can (...)
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  31. Whistleblowing as civil disobedience.William E. Scheuerman - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (7):609-628.
    The media hoop-la about Edward Snowden has obscured a less flashy yet more vital – and philosophically relevant – part of the story, namely the moral and political seriousness with which he acted to make the hitherto covert scope and scale of NSA surveillance public knowledge. Here I argue that we should interpret Snowden’s actions as meeting most of the demanding tests outlined in sophisticated political thinking about civil disobedience. Like Thoreau, Gandhi, King and countless other (forgotten) grass-roots activists, Snowden (...)
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    Hope for health and health care.William E. Stempsey - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):41-49.
    Virtually all activities of health care are motivated at some level by hope. Patients hope for a cure; for relief from pain; for a return home. Physicians hope to prevent illness in their patients; to make the correct diagnosis when illness presents itself; that their prescribed treatments will be effective. Researchers hope to learn more about the causes of illness; to discover new and more effective treatments; to understand how treatments work. Ultimately, all who work in health care hope to (...)
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    The End of Law: Carl Schmitt in the Twenty-First Century.William E. Scheuerman - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Scholarly and political interest in the controversial 20th Century German thinker Carl Schmitt has exploded in the last twenty years. This volume, focusing directly on Schmitt’s complex ideas about law, situates his views within broader debates about the rule of law and its fate, taking seriously his Nazi-era political and legal writings.
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    The Virtue of Faith and Other Essays in Philosophical Theology.William E. Mann - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (1):135.
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    The realist case for global reform.William E. Scheuerman - 2011 - Cambridge: Polity Press.
    Does a hard-headed realist approach to international politics necessarily involve scepticism towards progressive foreign policy initiatives and global reform? Should proponents of realism always be seen as morally complacent and politically combative? In this major reconsideration of the main figures of international political theory, Bill Scheuerman challenges conventional wisdom to reveal a neglected tradition of progressive realism with much to contribute to contemporary debates about international policy-making and world government. Far from seeing international reform as well-meaning but potentially irresponsible idealism, (...)
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    Homo religiosus: The Soul of Bioethics.William E. Stempsey - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (2):238-253.
    Although many of the pioneers of present-day bioethics came from religious and theological backgrounds, the recent controversy about the role of religion in bioethics has elicited much attention. Timothy Murphy would ban religion from bioethics altogether. Much of the ado hinges on conflicting understandings of just what bioethics is and just what religion is. This paper attempts to make more explicit how the fields of bioethics and religion have been understood in this context, and how they should not be understood. (...)
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    Institutional Identity and Roman Catholic Hospitals.William E. Stempsey - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (1):3-14.
    William E. Stempsey, S.J.; Institutional Identity and Roman Catholic Hospitals, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, Volume 7, Issue.
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  38. Hans Morgenthau: realism and beyond.William E. Scheuerman - 2009 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    The ideas of Hans Morgenthau dominated the study of international politics in the United States for many decades. He was the leading representative of Realist international relations theory in the last century and his work remains hugely influential in the field. In this engaging and accessible new study of his work, William E. Scheuerman provides a comprehensive and illuminating introduction to Morgenthau’s ideas, and assesses their significance for political theory and international politics. Scheuerman shows Morgenthau to be an uneasy (...)
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  39. On what a text is and how it means.William E. Tolhurst - 1979 - British Journal of Aesthetics 19 (1):3-14.
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  40. Representational theories of consciousness, parts I and II.William E. Seager - 1999 - In William Seager, Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
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    Does God Have a Nature?William E. Mann - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (4):625-630.
  42.  25
    A decision model for accuracy and response latency in recognition memory.William E. Hockley & Bennet B. Murdock - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (3):341-358.
  43.  40
    Democracy, pluralism and political theory.William E. Connolly - 2007 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Samuel Allen Chambers & Terrell Carver.
    William E. Connolly’s writings have pushed the leading edge of political theory, first in North America and then in Europe as well, for more than two decades now. This book draws on his numerous influential books and articles to provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of his significant contribution to the field of political theory. The book focuses in particular on three key areas of his thinking: Democracy: his work in democratic theory - through his critical challenges to the (...)
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    Critical Response I - The Complexity of Intention.William E. Connolly - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (4):791-798.
    Ruth Leys starts with accounts that reduce emotion to a few simple states and emphasize the degree to which it is genetically wired. She then argues that other cultural theorists who emphasize the role of affect are driven in this direction, too, even when they wish to avoid such a trajectory. Much of the argument revolves around the charge of “anti-intentionalism” against us. Because of limitations of space, my response concentrates on my own thinking in this domain, though I suggest (...)
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  45.  29
    God, Belief, and Perplexity.William E. Mann - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This volume presents fourteen of William E. Mann's essays on three prominent figures in late Patristic and early medieval philosophy: Augustine, Anselm, and Peter Abelard. The essays explore some of the quandaries, arguments, and theories presented in their writings. The essays in this volume complement those to be found in Mann's God, Modality, and Morality. While the essays in God, Modality, and Morality are primarily essays in philosophical theology, those found in the present volume are more varied. Some still (...)
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    A cold look at HOT theory.William E. Seager - 2004 - In Rocco J. Gennaro, Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology. John Benjamins.
  47. The Visual Role of Objects' Facing Surfaces.William E. S. Mcneill - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2):411-431.
    It is often assumed that when we see common opaque objects in standard light this is in virtue of seeing their facing surfaces. Here I argue that we should reject that claim. Either we don't see objects' facing surfaces, or—if we hold on to the claim that we do see such things—it is at least not in virtue of seeing them that we see common opaque objects. I end by showing how this conclusion squares both with our intuitions and with (...)
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    Globalization and Sustainability: Conflict or Convergence?William E. Rees - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (4):249-268.
    Unsustainability is an old problem - human societies have collapsed with disturbing regularity throughout history. I argue that a genetic predisposition for unsustainability is encoded in certain human physiological, social and behavioral traits that once conferred survival value but are now maladaptive. A uniquely human capacity - indeed, necessity - for elaborate cultural myth-making reinforces these negative biological tendencies. Our contemporary, increasingly global myth, promotes a vision of world development centered on unlimited economic expansion fuelled by more liberalized trade. This (...)
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  49.  17
    States of Emergency.William E. Scheuerman - 2016 - In Jens Meierhenrich & Oliver Simons, The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Carl Schmitt’s theory of emergency powers has garnered substantial attention in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on the US, UK, and Spain. Against those who underscore apparent discontinuities in Schmitt’s view of emergency government, or see him as advocating law-based and/or a constitutional model of emergency government, this chapter revisits three key historical and intellectual contexts—the First World War, the Weimar debate about Article 48, and the disintegration of Weimar democracy after 1930— to offer an alternative interpretation. The radical anti-legal (...)
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  50. Dennett, part I and II.William E. Seager - 1999 - In William Seager, Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
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